Over a hundred new jobs at IPKW thanks to Indonesian investment

Industrial Park Kleefse Waard (IPKW) is an award-winning business park housing, facilitating and interconnecting sustainable businesses in, or related to, the energy sector. We have joined forces with the government, businesses and education in building the cleantech campus of the future.

New Jobs

A new factory will be built at IPKW next year thanks to a multi-million investment by Indonesian state-owned oil and gas company PT Pertamina in HyET Solar from Arnhem. The factory will offer 100 to 150 technical jobs, according to the IPKW's website.

The Indonesian oil and gas company is highly interested in developer HyET Solar's solar foil. Due to its many islands, Indonesia's electricity grid is not always stable. The smallest islands use generators to generate electricity. Indonesia wants to provide each island with sustainable energy. "Pertamina doesn't just view solar foil as breakthrough technology, it also sees it as a commercially viable product", says the owner of HyET, Rombout Swanborn, in the same article on the IPKW website.

Factory in Indonesia

HyET invested approximately 260 million euros in the construction of a factory in Indonesia. In March, during a state visit by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima to Indonesia, that particular agreement was signed. The similarly state-owned Indonesian semiconductor institute LEN is also involved in that factory.

Now Pertamina has also taken an interest in HyET Solar and it is investing in the new factory in Arnhem. There is already a factory in Arnhem that is developing ultrathin, pliable solar foil. This factory has only forty staff members, which HyET believes is not enough to produce solar foil in a profitable manner.

In the trade journal Solar Magazine, Swanborn recently stated that, apart from the Netherlands and Indonesia, HyET Solar also has big plans for Oman among other countries. The current priority is to increase the financial return on the product. Swanborn is expecting large-scale industrialisation.


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