Vacancies of international companies in Gelderland

A major attraction of the portal is the vacancy database that provides access to English-language vacancies within a radius of 20 km around the Arnhem – Nijmegen - Foodvalley area in the Netherlands. Our organization only provides information about the region for the people that are currently living here and for people who are interested in coming here. Lifeport Welcome Center does not offer actual jobs or mediate with companies. 

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Right at home

Piyush is an electronics engineer who’s originally from India but has been working at NXP in Nijmegen for the past 4 years. You might think that it’s easy to get lost in a big organisation like NXP (with over 31,000 employees), but as a matter of fact Piyush feels right at home! Click on the video to learn why expat-friendly Nijmegen feels like a second home to him and how he combines his work with a whole range of other passions, such as cricket, salsa and even theatre.