Expert Talk: Quality of life at work & remote working

12 Nov 10.30 - 11.30h Online

Presented by Sophie Grünfelder - International Consultant and HR Researcher & our own expert Emmanuèle van Houdenhoven - Collard - Sales & Recruitment Manager at Undutchables

As a professional do you find it challenging to maintain your quality of life at work in the current context ? What is the ideal balance between your own well-being and those of your colleagues ?

The feeling of being isolated, disconnected or abandoned can appear and concern each of us. Knowing how to set good practices to avoid professional risk due to this fast move into remote work is precisely the goal of this interactive webinar. It is designed to benefit both managers and employees.

To help you face this unique challenge, Undutchables is happy to welcome Sophie Grünfelder an international consultant and researcher in HR. She supports quality of work life, sustainable leadership and ways of developing a responsive management (top management and middle management). During the last months, Sophie Grünfelder helped several international teams (in The Benelux and France) to improve their remote-work skills and increase organizational resilience in the face of Covid-19. She teaches e-leadership and full-remote-work management methods to both academics and professionals.

During this webinar, she will answer practical questions from participants and offer tips around the following topics:

  • How to work well on your own remotely, preserving a good quality of work-private life balance ?
  • How to collaborate well remotely with the rest of your team, paying individual attention to efficiency and well-being ?
  • How to manage your team remotely, harmonize & coordinate each team member with a tailored approach - including management of employees’ distress (signals & solutions) - ?
  • How to (e-)meet effectively respecting everyone's expectations and promoting collective satisfaction?

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