Long term stay

If you are planning to stay in the Netherlands for more than four months, you are required to register with the municipality where you will be living as soon as you arrive. You have to register in person. This first registration (eerste inschrijving) is needed in order to issue your Citizen Service Number (Burger Service Nummer, or BSN), which is absolutely vital for all residents of the Netherlands.

Within five days of your arrival, you must register your presence in the Municipal Personal Records Database (Basisregistratie Personen or BRP). You can register by making an appointment at the municipality where you will be living. To make an appointment in Nijmegen, please go to the municipality's website. The Lifeport Welcome Center offers a One-Stop-Shop service, where you can schedule one appointment for IND, and municipality registration appointments. 

Find out more about the One-Stop-Shop


Things you will need to bring along in order to register:

1. Your passport or national ID card (EU)

If you are a national of a European country, then your passport or ID card will be needed in order to register. Your driving license from an EU country is not an accepted proof of identity at this time. If you are not from Europe, then a passport will be required. An ID card or driving license from a non-EU country is not an accepted proof of identity.

2. Proof of residence/a tenancy agreement/signed statement by main occupant

If you will be renting a house: a copy of the rental contract or the tenancy agreement , filled in and signed by the you and the landlord.

If you will be sharing a house with someone: a form declaration by main occupant, completed and signed by the person giving you permission to register at his/her address, accompanied by a photocopy of his/her passport or ID. If the person giving consent for you to live in their house does not live at the same address, then you will also need to prove that they own the residence.

If you bought a house: a copy of the purchase agreement for the property.

If you will be staying in a hotel: Please bring a written statement from the hotel manager stating specifically that you are allowed to register at the hotel address; your full name must be specified in the statement. This letter must be signed and stamped by the manager. A confirmation letter of the hotel reservation is not sufficient.

3. A residence permit, if applicable

Non-EU nationals must have a valid provisional residence permit. You can apply for this via the Immigration and Naturalisation Service.

4. Birth/marriage certificate

If you brought the documents to the Netherlands, your original birth and/or marriage certificate. These certificates must be in English, Dutch, French or German, or translated to one of these languages by sworn translator, legalized (for more information, you can check the website of the Dutch government).

5. Proof of deregistration, if applicable

If you are moving from Aruba, Curaçao, St. Maarten or the Caribbean Netherlands, you are required to deregister from the population register (PIVA) of the island where you are living. You will receive a proof of deregistration, which is needed at the registration in Nijmegen.



You must go to a municipality location in person for your first registration. However, once you are registered, any relocation to a different address within Nijmegen can be registered with the municipality online or by post. 


If you have been registered in the Netherlands prior, and are intending to stay in the Netherlands again for a period of more than 4 months, you will have to re-register in the municipal records database (BRP). You require the same documents as for your first registration.

Leaving the Netherlands

Please remember that it is mandatory to deregister from the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP). The municipality will then update your details accordingly and will automatically notify other government authorities of your departure.